Jambi. Tuesday, July 25 2023. State Islamic University (UIN) Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi won 3rd place in the Business Plan competition branch after competing against 5 other best teams in the 3rd Student Creativity Week (PKM) event in Sumatra 2023, such as IAIN Metro Lampung, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, UIN Syahada Padang Sidimpuan, UIN Raden Patah Palembang, and STAIN Mandailing Natal.
In accordance with the theme that was carried out in the PKM event for the Business Plan competition branch this time “Exploring regional potential to grow digitalization business competencies in the 5.0 revolution era towards golden Indonesia”, the team consisting of students from the Islamic Economics study program at UIN Bukittinggi, Safria Anita and Risma Juwita did not hold back -responsibility of taking kawa leaf as a weapon to attract the attention of the jury.
Kawa Daun are local dried coffee leaves that are roasted for about 12 hours, usually simmering in an earthenware or pot. Much like tea with a unique leafy taste. Kawa leaf is often also mixed with cinnamon and other spices to make it more delicious.
By choosing the theme “Taragak Kawa Daun, a coffee leaf roast drink typical of West Sumatra”. The UIN Bukittinggi team managed to score 383 points. Even though he admitted to being nervous because he had to appear in the last serial number, the UIN Bukittinngi Business Plan Team, led by Awaluddin as the coach, continued to prove his ability in presentations. One of the judges even said he was interested in collaborating and intends to become an investor if this business plan can be implemented later.
Deputy Chancellor III of UIN Bukittinggi, Arman Husni, congratulated the achievement obtained by the UIN Bukittinggi UIN Business Plan team, he hoped that this achievement could trigger the enthusiasm of the contingent who is currently struggling in the PKM 2023 event. And it is hoped that the Bussines team will be better prepared in the future and maximize exercise with the next excellent products. (*Public Relations of UIN Bukittinggi)