2023 International BiCED Conference: Exploring the Interconnection of Technology with Social Dynamics, Education, and Islamic Religion

Bukittinggi, Monday, September 25, 2023. The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) at the State Islamic University (UIN) Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi successfully held the 4th Bukittinggi International Conference on Education (BiCED) in 2023, with the highly relevant theme “The Impact of Technology on Education and Social Dynamics.” This conference provided a significant platform for experts from various countries to understand the impact of technology on education, social dynamics, and the Islamic religion.

This prestigious event was officially opened by the Rector of UIN Bukittinggi, Prof. Ridha Ahida, and brought together thinkers and education practitioners from around the world.

In her opening remarks, Prof. Ridha Ahida stated, “BiCED is an essential platform for sharing ideas and knowledge about the role of technology in transforming education and its impact on social dynamics. We are proud to host this event and hope it will be a platform that brings positive innovation to the world of education,” said Ridha.

The Dean of FTIK, Iswantir, also delivered an inspiring welcome speech. He stated, “This theme is very relevant to the development of the times. Technology has changed the way we learn and interact in society. Through BiCED, we want to encourage collaboration and critical thinking in facing these changes,” he said.

BiCED 2023 featured numerous expert speakers from various parts of the world, recognized for their expertise in education and technology. Keynote speakers included Prof. Zaidi Bin Fadzil from UniSHAMS Malaysia, Prof. Syekh Ali Abdu Rabbhi Abu Al-Hasan from Al-Azhar University Cairo, Prof. Rohanee Machae from Princess of Naradhiwas University of Thailand, Prof. Alek from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and Prof. Afdal from Universitas Negeri Padang. They provided in-depth insights into various rapidly developing aspects of technology and education worldwide.

Local speakers from FTIK UIN Bukittinggi, including Prof. Zulfani Sesmiarni and Dr. Arman Husni, also contributed their knowledge and experience during the discussion sessions.

The conference also held discussion sessions involving deep dialogues with conference participants, comprising over 500 FTIK students and other international participants. Participants, especially students, had the opportunity to ask questions directly and gain deeper insights into how technology and education can affect the world of education, social dynamics, and the Islamic religion.

Prof. Afdal opened the keynote session by explaining how technology has enabled broader access to education. “Education is no longer confined to the traditional classroom walls. Technology has opened doors to more inclusive and accessible education,” he said. Prof. Afdal also highlighted the importance of a holistic approach in integrating technology into curricula and learning.

All experts stated that technology has become an essential tool in disseminating religious messages. Social media and online platforms allow religious communities to share their understanding, support each other, and engage in outreach activities. In this regard, technology has helped maintain the relevance of religion in the digital era.

Additionally, the development of religious applications has facilitated daily religious practices. Applications that help calculate prayer times, provide prayers, or offer e-book guides based on religious texts have made it easier for individuals to practice their faith.

However, along with its benefits, technology also presents ethical challenges in religion. Discussions about digital ethics, such as how to behave politely online, interact with others in a religious context, and avoid spreading hate or violence, are all relevant in a religious context.

In conclusion, technology and the educational world are closely related to religion in various aspects. Wise use of technology in education and religion can help expand knowledge and understanding, facilitate religious practices, and promote the ethical values underlying major world religions. It is hoped that the results of this conference will serve as a foundation for positive changes in education, technology, and religion.

The event was held at the Student Centre Auditorium from 08:00 WIB until completion. Besides the plenary sessions, BiCED 2023 also continued discussions virtually through Zoom Meeting, allowing speakers to share materials directly with the audience from various locations. BiCED 2023 filtered a total of 163 papers to be presented in parallel sessions.

BiCED 2023 has been a highly valuable event for thinkers and education practitioners to share understanding, thoughts, and innovative ideas in facing the challenges and opportunities brought by technological advancements and their impact on social dynamics. It is hoped that the results of this conference will encourage positive changes in education and society at large. (*Public Relations UIN Bukittinggi)
